2019年7月3日至5日,由 印度尼西亚共和国农业部畜牧和动物健康总局 主办的2019 INDO LIVESTOCKExpo&Forum(2019印尼 国际家禽畜牧产业展 )在印度尼西亚东爪哇省省会、印尼第二大城市泗水隆重举行。
北京英惠尔生物技术有限公司国际团队携 酵母培养物 等核心产品精彩亮相,截止发稿,英惠尔产品在印尼推广销售已历时9年。凭借高端的品牌及多样化的产品,英惠尔展台吸引了众多参展商家和观众的眼球。大明星 BIOYEASTAR (英惠尔酵母培养物) 也在这个热带雨林气候、被称为婆罗摩火山门户的传奇城市展开了一段热辣柔情之旅。
Beijing Enhalor was presented at “INDO LIVESTOCK 2019”duringJuly 3-5, 2019, which location is Grand City Convex Surabaya, Indonesia (the second-largestcity). We display Enhalor’s new famous product “Yeast Culture (Bioyeastar)”to Indonesiamarket, this new products attracted the much attention of exhibitors andvisitors as ENHALOR brand was famous in the past 9 years here.
该次展会有来自20多个国家的243家参展商,超过8000名专业观众和代表参加,其中有43家中国饲料添加剂及兽药企业参加了本届展会,为 历届zui高 。本次展会虽然只有一个展馆,但是3天络绎不绝均匀的人流量保障了2019 INDO LIVESTOCK的质量,被印尼媒体称为 “ 效率zui高的小而精行业展 ” 。
This exhibition have attracted 243 exhibitors frommore than 20 countries, and more than 8,000 professional visitors, it alsoinclude 43 feed additives and veterinary drugs enterprises from Chinaparticipated in this exhibition. Although there are only one exhibition hall,the 3-days continuous visitors guarantees the best quality of 2019 INDO LIVESTOCK, which is called by Indonesian media as "small but mostefficient exhibition".
在展会报告和论坛期间,于2019年7月3日下午13:00,第3会议室,大会主办方特邀英惠尔生物技术研究院陈鹏博士作题为 “酵母培养物——改善动物健康的肠道全面营养” 的技术报告。会议室内高朋满座,聚精会神,陈鹏博士专业风趣的讲解不时赢得阵阵响亮的掌声。会后参会代表对酵母培养物的兴趣高涨,纷纷到展台咨询了解。
During the exhibition, as the invitation of theconference organizer , Enhalor offered aprofessional and humorous Seminar at July 3, 2019/13:00pm/Theater 3.
Speaker : Ph.D. Chen Peng (Instituteof Enhalor biotechnology ) gave a technical report entitled "Yeast cultureas the most comprehensive gastrointestinal nutrition to improve multi-species animalhealth". In the drowsy afternoon, guests and friends filled up theconference room, his professional and interesting explanation won bursts ofloud applause time and time.
The exhibition was successfully closed on July 5, ENHALOR& FENANZA( Indonesian Partner), won the "Best Exhibitor" again withits eye-catching booth design, excellent entrance location, enthusiastic teamand star products.
印尼泗水,如约而至,让我们哼起那首熟悉的“咖喱咖喱”,持续关注英惠尔,我们 9月 浪漫法国雷恩 再见 。
Enhalor hope to see you again soon at “SPACE 2019”-Rennes, France.