英惠尔酵母培养物系列产品,精彩亮相第33届法国国际畜牧展览会,创新产品 “酵母肽” 在国际展会上首次亮相,产品一经展出就受到参会观众的驻足咨询,洽谈产品的进一步合作。
明星产品 4倍浓缩酵母培养物 不甘示弱,更是以其浓香气味、颗粒色泽均匀以及精益的生产工艺和优异的功效,得到客户的认可,促成了多起现场洽谈合作。
第33届法国国际畜牧展览会-SPACE 2019 (9/10-9/13),在法国雷恩机场会展中心举办,每年一届,由于其专业的背景和在国际上的影响力,SPACE将自己定位为所有畜牧生产专业人员举办的全球性活动:涵盖牛(奶牛和肉牛)、家禽、猪、绵羊、山羊、兔子和水产养殖。
1450家参展商 ,其中452个国际参展商来自42个国家, 来自各个行业:动物饲料和营养、农场设备和建筑、动物健康、挤奶设备、遗传学、农业生物学、能源、水产养殖供应商。 中国企业26家。
专业访客逾108000人次 ,包含来自121个国家的超过14000名国际旅客
16公顷 展览面积
11个 大型标准展厅
2个单独展厅配备约 750只 各种类的牛和羊现场展示
约100场 会议及专业的研讨会
Halor Tid (Yeast Peptide) and Yeast Culture 4C launched at SPACE 2019, the International livestock exhibition for all animal production.
The 33rd edition of SPACE took place from Tuesday 10 to Friday 13 September 2019, at the Exhibition Centre of Rennes, in France.
Thanks to its location, its professional base and its international orientation, SPACE is the world event for all professionals of livestock production: cattle (milk and beef), poultry, pigs,ovine, goats, rabbits and aquaculture.
It brought together this year :
1 450 exhibitors from all sectors: animal feed and nutrition, farm equipment and building, animal health, milking equipment, genetics, agrobiology, energies, aquaculture suppliers...
more than 110 000 professional visitors
more than 14 000 international visitors from 121 countries
750 bovine and ovine in presentation
almost 100 conferences and symposiums
“SPACE 2019 is a great opportunity for attendees to learn more about the latest feed antibiotic-free solutions Enhalor has available to help reduce the antibiotic resistance problem” said Mr Xu Yuan (Vice President of Enhalor). “Our natural, non-antibiotic technologies work with the animal’s natural defenses to help maintain a healthier, more productive animal.”
Halor Tid is Enhalor’s novel antibiotic alternative for use in feed for all animals. It is based on the yeast culture proprietary fermentation process and manufactured with no genetically modified organisms.
Yeast Culture 4C is novel immune support technology for use in feed for all animals and is manufactured through the same proprietary fermentation process without genetically modified organisms. These natural, nutritional health products consist of unique combinations of functional metabolite compounds that work synergistically to support immunity,health, and performance of animals.